About papua trails tours
Papua Trails Tour is one of a website for holidaymakers may use, this website provided all tour packages such as Hiking & Trekking, culture tour, birding trip.
Foot trails are the typical trails that most likely come to mind when you think of hiking. Slip on your hiking shoes and go! Distance, incline, terrain and difficulty can vary. Some foot trails are rugged dirt paths that lead you up mountain tops, some foot trails are flat, paved sidewalks that meander through cities and urban areas. Consult a park map or chat with a ranger at the visitor center to pick a path that’s right for you.
Trails are an integral part of our natural environment and can be used as a tool for conservation. Trails assist with preserving important natural landscapes, providing necessary links between fragmented habitats and providing tremendous opportunities for protecting plant and animal species.

Owner/ Tour Operator
Hello Dear Every One, I”m Onesius Lokobal From Baliem Valley a Dani Tribe. I am native guide from the Baliem Valley. I working for my own tour Company Called Baliem Valley Tour Guide & Travel Agency